Do You Know If Your Executives are Aligned on Strategy?

Organizational talent assessment tools to help you solve misalignment at the top.

PI Midlantic Talent Design Methodology

Your Senior Sales VP bulldozes meetings and pushes his personal agenda forward. Other team members can’t help but wonder: Are we pursuing the right goals, or did we use the loudest voice in the room to build our strategy? The reality is that senior leaders tend to agree on no more than 70% of their company’s objectives. The revolutionary PI Design solution ensures that all execs are on the same page about the business strategy, so they can ultimately design an aligned talent strategy to maximize performance.

The PI Design Solution 

The PI Design Solution is a powerful tool used for gaining business strategy alignment while building a talent strategy to match.

We Give You the Framework You Need to Transform Your Company 

  • The 1:1 Talent Strategy Session – We’ll explore your needs to understand what’s impacting your business, then use your people data to see how your team aligns with your overall business strategy.
  • Team Discovery Tool – Assess your team’s identity, find out their leadership style, and gain insight on your strengths and blindspots.
  • The High Performance Series Workshops – In this two-part workshop, our trained advisors will enable you to improve your team’s performance and build teams that trust each other, communicate, and hold each other accountable so you can maximize your bottom line.

The Team Discovery Tool

Our Team Discovery Tool maps out your team and gives insight into how they operate.


  • Work Styles – see how your team runs on a micro and macro level to build awareness between team members and explore complementary strengths
  • Team Type – celebrate strengths while examining potential blind spots that are challenging your team dynamics
  • Key Takeaways – scientifically-backed action steps that you can start using right away


Create a Foundation of Senior Team Alignment

Here’s a scary stat: 52% of CEOs  who set goals in 2018 didn’t achieve them.

When execs don’t agree on the business strategy, companies can end up pursuing competing goals. Pinpoint senior team misalignment today so you can design the right talent strategy solution and come out on top.

So what’s the secret to great hiring and managing people to perform effectively? 

Talent optimization. When you have an agreed-upon business strategy and the right talent to execute it, you are set for success.