Identify Causes of Low Engagement – And Take Action to Fix It

Disengaged employees can prevent you from reaching your business goals. Companies with engaged workers grew their earnings per share 27.8% over 12 months, while low engagement companies experienced an 11.2% decline in earnings per share over the same period, according to Towers Perrin.

PI Midlantic Diagnose Employee Engagement

Imagine a Team of 10 Employees Building a Boat

  • Leadership has already gathered the materials and laid the plans.
  • Two people are building the hull at full speed.
  • Seven others are slowly bending timbers for the frame.
  • One person is actively drilling holes in the bottom.

If even part of your team is disengaged, this is what’s happening in your workplace every day – preventing you from reaching your business goals. The revolutionary PI Diagnose Solution helps all employees to work together in the same direction and at full force, allowing your organization to achieve its goals.

Causes of Low Employee Engagement

Our research indicates there are four forces that destroy engagement, each one a mismatch between…

  • The employee and their Job
  • The employee and their Manager
  • The employee and the People on their team
  • The employee and the Organization

Identify your blind spots by having your staff complete The PI Employee Experience Survey, which measures employee engagement across the four categories—and delivers a custom action plan and solution.

The PI Diagnose Solution

From software to workshops to expert consulting, we teach you how to measure engagement by the organization, the department, and the manager.

Here’s how PI Midlantic can help:

  • PI Employee Experience Survey – Measure what matters. Use the PIXP Survey to give your employees a confidential platform to provide candid feedback. Uncover why your employees are disengaged, what you’re doing well, and how you can take action.
  • Employee Experience Coaching Don’t go it alone. Our expert Talent Optimization Advisors will guide you in administering the PI Employee Experience Survey, sharing your results, and implementing action plans to ensure success.
  • Take Action on Engagement Workshop – Arm managers with the confidence they need to discuss the results of the PI Employee Experience Survey with their teams so they can take action.

How to Diagnose Engagement and Develop an Action Plan

Talent optimization means keeping the above four forces top of mind with every person’s decision you make. And that begins with diagnosing employee engagement at your company. Diagnose employee engagement by following the steps below:

To diagnose employee engagement you need to:

  • Analyze company-wide engagement levels
  • Analyze engagement at the team or department level
  • Isolate what’s causing low engagement
  • Deduce what’s driving high engagement
  • Take action to solve problems and maintain successes