Our Interactive Process

Walk through our approach to the talent optimization process in the sections below.


When applying for an open position, job candidates will naturally highlight their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. In order to avoid a mis-hire, what if you added science to the decision-making process?

Use the PI Hire solution to select the right person for any role, ultimately saving time, effort, and money while predicting candidate success with proven science.


Using the combined efforts of our dynamic software, state-of-the-art science, and the support of the largest and most experienced partner in the network, you can create a team and an environment where your people truly thrive.

Talent Strategy

The PI Design Solution is a powerful tool used for gaining business strategy alignment while building a talent strategy to match.

We give you the framework you need to transform your company.

Employee Engagement

Disengaged employees can prevent you from reaching your business goals. Companies with engaged workers grew their earnings per share 27.8% over 12 months, while low engagement companies experienced an 11.2% decline in earnings per share over the same period, according to Towers Perrin.