More than Just Data: How to Implement Your Organizations Predictive Index Tool

I get it, you wanted IT but now you are feeling overwhelmed and not sure how to roll IT, out and get the ROI you wanted, and your board or boss expects too.

The IT I am referring to, is that new tool. You know that new tool you that is going to help you with hiring, selection, onboarding, engagement, retention, succession planning, workforce planning, and so much more.

Questions rolling around in your head

1. Where do I start?
2. How do I / we keep it going?
3. How fast should I/we roll it out?
4. Who should be involved?
5. How will we measure if it is working?
6. What and when are we communicating how and when to use it?
7. Will the team think this is the new flavor of the month?
8. What if it fails? What if it doesn’t?
9. Who should be trained and when?
10. I am too busy to take this on right now…what was I thinking?


You are over-assessing!!

Get outside of your head and get started!!!

How the Predictive Index Helps You Make Better Decisions

Remember this system is a TOOL. A tool that will help you make better decisions now and in the future with all things PEOPLE driven. All those things inside of how you do, what you do, when you and your team work together – you know that Culture thing.

Rolling out a new anything can be challenging for a variety of reasons. Getting ahead of those challenges or roadblocks is key. Staying focused on that 1% progress daily is how you win the rollout and achieve the impact you desire.

There are many reasons a tool like Predictive Index is brought into an organization. Staying focused on the that initial why is important as you begin using the tool. For example, many bring it in for the hiring and selection, or retention or that almighty grail defining and supporting their workplace culture.

Mitsubishi of America, the Alpolic division did it for that very reason – workplace culture. The leaders were ready to level-up, deepen their already successful company with a more intentional focus on their values and their culture. Their approach is multi-pronged with the data driven tool – to create a broader and deeper impact simultaneously.

How They are Doing It

1. Training leadership at all levels: Executive Team, Middle Managers, and first-time leads in the first 90 days of rollout.
2. Providing individual and team results in company-wide team building sessions to get started in year one.
3. Reviewing and adjusting existing processes around hiring, ads, interviews, orientation checklist, stay interviews, 30-60-90 day 2-way feedback sessions on an ongoing basis
4. Reviewing standard operating procedures to include behavioral responses and training adjustments to better communicate in writing and train in person. These include elements that may go wrong as well as the perfect scenarios on an ongoing basis, with scheduled reviews annually.
5. Creating tracking boards to better onboard around expectations and celebrate progress daily driven by the day-to-day operators.
6. Reviewing / adjusting their Mission, Vision, Values and creating culture statements during year one, coupled with their long-term strategic planning.
7. Going deep with their value statements, around the personal values and behavioral hardwiring of each team member; ensuring everyone feels seen, valued, and heard – assessing on an ongoing basis.
8. Using the core automated behavioral reports to conduct more intentional interviews, adjusting orientation, adjust training techniques, provide feedback, career path, become better leaders, focus on accountability and commitments.
9. And there’s more…

Their leaders and team made a chose to deliberately use the tool and not let it sit and get dusty. All levels of the organization have more than just baseline familiarity but hold each other accountable if it isn’t being used to the fullest. They openly challenge and discuss how each department is and isn’t using it to ensure consistency and the overall broadening of the tool itself.

Has it been daunting at times, yes…but they are now seeing and feeling the positive impact on moral and overall culture – not to mention their teams’ efficiencies.

In closing, data-driven tools have power…power in the decision-making process and more. With this specific tool – it’s more like the universal screwdriver that can and should be used every chance you get because it fits in just that many scenarios as just the right tool to assist.

For more about ALPOLIC’s culture focus, success and rollout or the Predictive Index Tool itself, feel free in contact us 410-295-0771.

Shelley Smith

#1 PI Partner in the World

PI Midlantic is the largest PI-certified provider in the world. We have helped clients ranging from small, family-owned businesses to national corporations. Our consultants have intimate knowledge of the PI software and are dedicated to working side-by-side with you to help you understand your data. We call that Winning Together.

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