About Our Team

At PI Midlantic, we’re breaking the cycle of disengagement in the workplace. It starts with hiring the right people for the right jobs, igniting enthusiasm, and then unleashing their productivity as part of an all-encompassing approach to talent optimization.

Established in 1985, PI Midlantic was among the earliest believers in the power of the Predictive Index® as the ultimate tool to help companies hire smarter and engage their employees. Since then, we have honed our skills as one of the most successful Predictive Index partners in the world, with over 500 clients in all 50 US states and Puerto Rico and 28 countries across the globe.

Client Retention Rate
Number of Clients
Years in Service

Located in Annapolis, Maryland

History of PI

Arnold S. Daniels, author of the Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment and founder of The Predictive Index, was born and brought up in Boston and its suburbs. Daniels majored in journalism in college, going to work for the Boston Record-American, a Hearst newspaper.

In 1942, Daniels enlisted in what was then called the United States Army Air Corps. Daniels was soon sent overseas to the Eighth Airforce, where he joined heavy bombers flying in combat over Europe from bases in England. After combat duty, he began working with a psychologist who had been brought over to England by the Air Corps to study the causes and failures of bombing missions. Daniels was introduced at this point to the subject of tests and measurements. The Air Corps then sent Daniels to a course called “Management & Statistics” at the Harvard Graduate Business School. That course provided technical know-how that would be essential to the development of the Predictive Index.

Daniels then went to work for consulting firms, both involved in the general areas of organization development and personnel management. This experience led to the development over the next few years of the Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment. He also began formulating a plan for making the information provided by that instrument available and understood by client/users.

From 1952 – 1955 Arnold worked at developing and refining the Form I Predictive Index checklist, and accumulating the scoring statistics required for the development of the Form 1 Score Sheet. In June of 1955, he set himself up in business as Arnold S. Daniels Associates – later to become The Predictive Index. He set out to sell his new system, complete with the five-day training course that he had written. By the end of 1956 the client list had grown to about thirty, almost all of them in New England. But the word was spreading, and the list was growing steadily.

In the early 1960’s, with many thousands of PI behavioral patterns available for statistical study, the norms (Score Sheet) were revised and refined to yield Form II. By then there were three Predictive Index Certified Partners, and the client list was building to over 120. In 1971, Arnold S. Daniels Associates was incorporated as The Predictive Index.

By 1991, in response to the frequently expressed wishes of both clients and Partners, the training course, now called the Workshop, was reduced to three days. Arnold had produced a further revised and edited notebook for the Workshop: the format was improved and condensed, and more information for both analysts and trainers was put in print. The Predictive Index entered the nineties with the best workbook and the shortest workshop yet.

Since 1955, the acceptance of PI Behavioral Assessment has been worldwide. Tens of thousands of managers and executives have attended the PI training workshops. The behavioral assessment, which is currently available in 70 languages plus braille, has been administered millions of times.

Arnold Daniels passed away in September 1998. However, he left behind not only an excellent program but also an unsurpassed commitment to excellence.